DVSA Relaxes Occasional
Driver Records Requirements

DVSA has relaxed its approach to the records of periods of activity that must be kept by a driver that uses a vehicle in scope of EU hours regulations on only an occasional basis.

Operators were finding the 28 day record keeping was a major burden where occasional drivers subject to EU hours regulations are utilised, such as when non-driving or casual staff sporadically cover pieces of work. Achieving full compliance under those circumstances has been described as “virtually impossible” by most operators. 

The RHA and the Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) have lobbied the Department for Transport (DfT) for a relaxation to that requirement, something that DVSA has now granted.

Records are still required to be made by occasional drivers to cover fixed weeks where no in-scope driving is done, but now a ‘block’ approach may be taken in those weeks.

Attestation forms may now also be used for this purpose.