VDO Online Simulator


An online VDO Tachograph simulator software used to simulate various real functions of a digital tachograph.

1 in stock

SKU: Product Code: VDOSIM Category:


An online VDO Tachograph simulator software used to simulate various real functions of a digital tachograph such as:

Inputting manual entries on DTCO 1.4, 2.0/2.1, 2.2, 3.0 and 4.0
Driver card log-in and log-off procedures
New VDO Counter
Driver and Vehicle unit printouts
Use of Company Card to lock in and out of data

This is a online version of the DTCO Simulator which allows you allows you to use this product for a year before needing to be renewed.

As this is an online product, the software will allow you to use any of the VDO Tacho Heads virtually from 1.4 – 4.0e.

Please note this is for x1 Licence, if you require more than 1 please contact us on 0115 920 6762 as we can offer discounts on multiple.